6th Anniversary Message from the CEO

Welcome to our 6th year anniversary! Thank you everyone for attending our virtual celebration. We are blessed to have new team members, welcome to the team! We wanted to celebrate this anniversary in person. Unfortunately, the government says it is still not safe to travel because of COVID19. I hope that all of you and your families are safe and healthy.

I’m very happy and proud to tell you about the new heights our company is reaching. We have almost doubled our new clients per month as compared to last year’s number of clients. There are many customers who upgrade their accounts as well. They subscribe to a higher version of our services.

We also have new solutions or products to offer and new add-on services. For example, many customers demand faster syncs. We offer this as an add-on service. This is another great source of revenue. Our software was officially approved by YouTube. It means we are recognized by YouTube as their partner. This makes our YouTube solutions more stable, especially our YouTube live solution.

We still have challenges like software bugs and the need to train new employees. I think we just need to implement better testing and take some time for new teammates to improve. I firmly believe we will overcome these challenges because we have a strong and growing team!

We have new big-name clients like Rogers Wireless Inc. They are one of the biggest wireless service provider companies in Canada. Acer, one of the biggest PC vendors in the world is now our client as well. We have seen customers from industries we haven’t previously serving. We now have doctors, dentists, consultants, and lawyers using our products. We have customers from ports, radio stations, manufacturing as well.

I’m very excited to see more people and companies being served by our team. This tells us that we have great products and services that the world needs. Our efforts could not happen without the effort of everyone in the company. Thank you very much. Let’s continue this journey together!

Mike Dalisay
Co-Founder, CEO & CTO
Codalify Software Development


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