Eight years, thousands of users, countless lines of code, and one big dream. Happy 8th Anniversary, Codalify!
It feels like just yesterday when my wife Marykris and I took the brave leap to start our own venture. We had a simple dream – to teach coding, help small businesses with their digital needs, and aim to make $1,000 a month. It was a humble dream, but it was ours, and that made it special.
Fast forward to today, and Codalify is a name known by thousands around the globe. We’ve had the honor of working with international celebrities and major corporations – a feat we could only dream of all those years ago.
But let’s not forget, this journey was far from smooth. We’ve sailed through the stormy waters of the COVID pandemic, survived the threat of volcanic eruptions, weathered economic downturns, and navigated the turbulent winds of international conflicts.
The stats tell us that over 90% of startups don’t survive their first few years, and yet, Codalify stands tall today.
Through the hard times, my wife Marykris has been my rock. Her endless support, encouragement, and professional skills have pushed me to keep going even when the going got tough. My dear wife, thank you, and I love you from the bottom of my heart.
To my son Jad, you’ve been my beacon of inspiration. Striving to be a role model for you has motivated me to push through challenges and become stronger.
As we celebrate our 8th anniversary at a stunning beach resort in Batangas, I want to extend our heartfelt thanks to each member of our journey.
To our amazing team, who have shown unwavering dedication, to our loyal subscribers, to our esteemed clients, and to every person who’s learned to code with us – we couldn’t have done it without you.
Our journey has also been guided by our faith. I am incredibly grateful to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His guidance and blessings have been instrumental in our journey.
So here’s to 8 remarkable years, to the courage of starting, to the joy of reaching this far, and to the excitement of the journey that still lies ahead.
Happy 8th Anniversary, Codalify!
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